Clark's Septic Service Inc.

Lift Station Pump Service In Stanislaus and San Joaquin Counties, CA

At Clark's Septic Service Inc. our skilled team of trained professionals has experience with both residential and commercial lift stations. They know how to keep your sewer lines flowing with the tools and know-how to get the job done right, every time. Technicians employ years of experience to reliably service lift station pumps of all sizes and strengths. They also have a truck-mounted crane available for servicing larger pumps and deeper lift stations.


For folks who live at lower elevations or have areas with varying elevations, the excavation necessary to hook up their sewer pipes to local wastewater lines can be prohibitive. A lift station can solve this problem. With a reservoir that acts as a holding tank and outfitted with a sensor that will activate a pump and move wastewater from lower to higher elevations, lift stations transport waste and are a viable solution for many homeowners and business owners alike. They also help to move storm and flood water away from low-lying areas.


Why Lift Station Pump Service Is Important

When a backup happens in a lift station, the sewer line can stop draining, overflow, and cause unsanitary conditions. The likely culprit is a malfunctioning pump, whether that’s due to clogging or an electrical or mechanical failure. Oftentimes items marked as “flushable” are sent down sewer lines and while they flush easy enough, they do not break down. Things like household and bathroom wipes along with personal care and accidentally flushed items can wreak havoc on a lift station pump. Common household or restaurant cooking grease and fats are another common cause of issues. To quickly remedy this situation Clark's Septic Service Inc. has the knowledge, expertise and equipment to handle situations like these. Besides the obvious sanitary and health concerns, lift station pump blockages can disrupt business or household operations, impair business or community relationships, and prompt health inspections. These are good reasons to immediately take care of any issues you detect.

When to Use Lift Station Pump Service

The pump is the workhorse of any lift station, and while it can last many years, maintenance can help you to extract its maximum value and length of usage. So if you begin to notice either odd buzzing noises or a total lack of normal operational noise, excessively wet areas around the lift station, unusual signals or alarms on the controls, foul odors, or backed up sewage, give Clark's Septic Service Inc. a call right away. We can assess the situation and ensure that the pump is able to once again run free and clear.

Because all internal elements of a lift station are in a constantly corrosive environment, regular inspection and maintenance is a good idea to get the longest life from the pump and avoid costly repair or premature replacement.

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